Thursday, April 5, 2007

Lomi Lomi Nui

Lomi Lomi Nui

Lomi Lomi Nui is difficult to describe with words. One really
has to experience it. The literal translation means to cut into little pieces
temple style, meaning to get down to our essential nature paying respect to
our spiritual and physical selves. It’s very primal and is one of the oldest
surviving bodywork methods on the planet. It was part of the spirituality
of Hawaiian Royalty and was used for transformational purposes and has
been passed down through oral tradition for thousands of years. It
incorporates the elements of water, stone, fire, wood, plants, animals and
air. It’s main distinctive feature as a bodywork style is the use of broad
strokes with progressively more pressure and full length underbody lifts.
Lomi Lomi Nui produces a feeling of profound well-being, elation and

Friday, February 9, 2007


Massage is very therapeutic everyone, but for those with chronic
pain and illnesses, such as diabetes, it is even more so. There are
over 16 million people in the United States with this disease, and
it has become epidemic in our Native American population. Fifteen percent of indigenous peoples have been diagnosed and the
numbers are increasing. One tribe in Arizona has a 50 percent
incidence in people between the ages of 30 and 64. Also, many
with various types of diabetes go undiagnosed for years or perhaps not at all due to the sometimes slow onset.

Diabetes is a disease of impaired carbohydrate metabolism which
is caused by either the inadequate production (type 1) or utilization
of (type 2) the hormone insulin. Insulin is the substance needed to
convert food into energy by facilitating the transfer of glucose (the
sugar in our bloodstream) into the body’s cells. About 10 to 15%
of diabetics are type 1, which usually begins in childhood or young adulthood. Type 2 usually manifest in the middle to older
aged population and accounts for more than 85% of this population.

Often, depression and chronic stress contribute to the development of diabetes partly because the stress raises blood sugar, and the disease itself is very destructive, and this in turn is depressing. Many times, when people are stressed and depressed they will attempt to feel better by self-medicating with sugars, carbohydrates or alcohol. These are not only addictive but will raise the blood glucose levels which in turn puts the diabetic at more risk. And when our brains aren’t receiving the correct mix of fuel from our nutrition, our mental health will suffer.

The results of various types of body and energywork are extremely
beneficial for the diabetic client. Studies have shown that a 45 to 50 minute massage can lower a diabetics blood sugar on average 20 to 40 points, so that needs to be taken into consideration. Having some fruit juice on hand in case it drops too much is a good idea. Massage is wonderful for increasing circulation which in turn encourages efficient transportation of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. This will improve the cells ability to use the insulin. Also, many new diabetics experience a thickening in their fascia and muscle tissue which can make waste and toxin removal at a cellular level decrease. A session focusing on
increasing circulation and lymphatic function will help to improve this. And, considering physical and psychological stress of living with a debilitating disease, the need to monitor and self-medicate through the day and the physical damage and burden, the benefits of relaxation cannot be underestimated.

Alex & Kathleen have been in practice for 7 years in Arcata at
309 F Street. Call 707 825 7655 for information or an appointment
or visit:

Basic Massage Price List

Relaxation: $50/1 hr. $65/1.5 hr.

Deep Tissue: $55/1 hr. $70/1.5 hr.

Lomi Lomi Nui: $60/1hr. $75/1.5 hr.

Students & Seniors (55 & older): $5 off

Add 20 min. in the private, open-air spa: $5

Series discount pricing

Individuals or households may purchase 5 sessions, receive the 6th session and use of the spa at no additional charge. Pay in advance and come whenever you like or pay as you go and come at least every other week.

Relaxation: $45/ 1 hr. Or $250 total
$55/ 1.5 hr. Or $325 total

Deep Tissue: $50/ 1 Hr. Or $275 Total
$60/ 1.5 Hr. Or $ 350 Total

Lomi Lomi Nui: $55/ 1 Hr. Or $300 Total
$65/ 1.5 Hr. or $375 Total

Why do most of us modern Americans seemingly have such a difficult time nurturing ourselves? Taking care of ourselves is sometimes even seen as shameful or selfish. But, really, nothing is more important than our well-being. When we feel good, we’re able to meet life’s challenges and stresses better. And a well performed bodywork session not
only feels wonderful, but is therapeutic physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Oftentimes, a client’s first massage is motivated by some acute condition, perhaps physical pain relief or
for the psycho-emotional support needed during the grieving process. What the novice soon discovers though is that the benefits of massage are far more widespread than they suspected.

Even one 60 to 90 minute session can help alleviate stress, lower the “flight or fight” neurotransmitters and increase the body’s chemicals and hormones which help us to relax, or tissues to repair and replenish, restore us to equistasis and even help with pain relief. Massage also aids in digestion, detoxification, improves circulation and mood, keeps our skin taut and healthy during weight loss, can help to achieve better range of motion and joint mobility, and, of course, relieves sore or tight muscles. And, bodywork is also known to promote better sleep, improve concentration, reduce anxiety and create an overall sense of well-being.

Receiving regular massage, with an ethical, qualified therapist can improve one’s quality of life dramatically. Alex and I named our business Essential Massage for a few reasons. One of our practice’s missions is to help facilitate our client’s good health and balance with a myriad of modalities and treatments to help return them to their essential selves. Our indoor and outdoor environments are always warm and inviting with light essential oil candles and soft, pleasant music in the background.

When you’re here with us, you are treated as royalty. (Hawaiian royalty if you’re lucky enough to be receiving our full Lomi Lomi Nui massage.) You are the boss when you are here. We always begin with a free 5 to 20 minute consultation. We want to get to know you and understand your body’s wants and needs. And we always ask our clients to complete our intake form and health history because there are some medical conditions that may be contraindicated for a deep tissue session. And, even though we both incorporate Reiki Jin Kei Do and other forms of energy work into our session when appropriate, we also have strong backgrounds
in western medicine, so our clients feel well supported. We strongly believe that therapeutic bodywork needs to be an affordable luxury: the gift we deserve to give ourselves with health and well being benefits.

Kathleen & Alex have been in practice in Arcata for seven years at 309 F Street. Call for current brochure, price list and $5.00 off coupon good till 4-1-07.